Get Involved

Lake Associations give a voice and means to discuss and act on common issues and events. They are successful for helping protect lakes now for future generations through a variety of activities.

Benefits of Working together:

  • To develop partnerships with your lake neighbors
  • To develop a communication network for sharing lake news
  • To raise awareness of lake issues in the community
  • To launch fundraising events and apply for grants
  • To develop a wise long range lake management plan
  • To focus the wide range of skills and knowledge the group(s) possesses
  • To gain strength in numbers.

Common Reasons to form a lake association:

  • Private Road Maintenance & lighting
  • Shoreland Protection & Management
  • Social Gatherings
  • Aquatic Invasive Species prevention or control
  • Boating safety
  • Fisheries protection
  • Loon protection
  • Water levels/ outlet dam
  • Lake monitoring
  • Fire and theft protection

Together we can learn about the lake ecology and management and present a cohesive voice to our city, county, and state governments to seek what is best for our lakes.

Tips for keeping your Association Alive and Productive

Keep everyone up to speed. Get your information out on a regular basis to all who might be or should be interested in what you are up to. Your association members are obvious, but also remember boards of your township, city, county, or other local organizations whose goals may overlap such as fish and game clubs, regional organizations, state and federal employees, and our local legislators. Contact them more often than the times you are asking them to do something for you.

Different people want to get involved in different ways. Some people do not want to attend meetings but are very happy to show up on a work day. Others may not have the availability

Never underestimate the power of food. Provide snacks at all meetings.

Make things Happen. People are more likely to get involved if they think you can be successful Partner.