Lake Association Benefits
Lake Associations give a voice and means to discuss and act on common issues and events. They are successful for helping protect lakes now for future generations through a variety of activities.
Benefits of Working together:
- To develop partnerships with your lake neighbors
- To develop a communication network for sharing lake news
- To raise awareness of lake issues in the community
- To launch fundraising events and apply for grants
- To develop a wise long range lake management plan
- To focus the wide range of skills and knowledge the group(s) possesses
- To gain strength in numbers.
Common Reasons to form a lake association:
- Private Road Maintenance & lighting
- Shoreland Protection & Management
- Social Gatherings
- Aquatic Invasive Species prevention or control
- Boating safety
- Fisheries protection
- Loon protection
- Water levels/ outlet dam
- Lake monitoring
- Fire and theft protection
Together we can learn about the lake ecology and management and present a cohesive voice to our city, county, and state governments to seek what is best for our lakes.