Shoreland Management
Shoreland Management
Shorelands typically contain important habitat and erodible soils, which present a high risk to surface water pollution if not anchored with natural deep-rooted vegetation. Many of these areas are highly sensitive to development. Shoreland standards are designed to accommodate development around sensitive water bodies in a sustainable way – reducing impacts on water quality and preserving the natural character of the water body.
A healthy shoreline supports a diverse community of fish and wildlife by providing native vegetation that fulfills their habitat needs where land and water meet.
Native vegetation provides important water quality functions by slowing and filtering water runoff as it moves to the lake or stream. Shorelines with a diverse mixture of native plants extending inland as well as offshore of the bank are more resilient to wave and ice erosion. Our lakes, streams and wetlands need healthy shorelines to reduce runoff, filter pollutants, and provide important habitat functions that benefit fish and wildlife.
Click here for additional information on the Minnesota DNR Shoreland Management Program.
Common Problems with Shorelines
Your property is unique in many ways. There are also many similarities in the problems you want to resolve and the challenges other owners have overcome. Click here for additional information on common shoreline problems and solutions.