Posted by David Oberlander on June 13, 2023
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Date(s) - 06/13/2023
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
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MN COLA Members and Friends,
Just a quick reminder that our Annual Meeting is June 13 in Little Falls. We hope you can join us for our first in-person meeting since late 2019.
The meeting should be filled with great information for everyone involved in caring for our precious public waters, and you will have the opportunity to tell what’s happening in your area and to ask questions of the rest of the group.
The meeting is from 10 am to 3 pm in Little Falls, MN at the offices of the Initiative Foundation. A box lunch will be provided for $10. We ask that you register for the meeting so that we can plan the room seating and to get a count on lunches needed.
The agenda includes:
- An update on the 2023 Legislative Session from Jeff Forester of Minnesota Lakes and River’s Advocates
- A special lunch speaker – Ted Rulseh, the author of Ripple Effects: How we’re loving our lakes to death.
- Our next topic in our focus on shoreline management. Greg Berg, from the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District will talk about Operational Strategies and Examples that can help guide shoreline property owners and associations.
- The informative Round-Robin session where we all get to hear what’s happening across the state
We hope to see you there…. and please don’t forget to register.
Joe Shneider
President, MN COLA
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